There is a saying that goes … Use any excuse to have a party! This past week we did just the opposite - The party we threw was the excuse! It was our Bayview Village store’s 10th anniversary – and to celebrate we hosted a party, not only to mark a successful decade in the bra business at this location, but to also raise funds for the Markham Stouffville Hospital Foundation’s Breast Cancer Centre and Chemotherapy Clinic.

My friend Allan Bell, who spearheads the Foundation, asked for Linea Intima’s help to provide bras for this year’s TA TA Celebrity Bra Designer Silent Auction. With the help of our generous suppliers, Amoena and Simone Pérèle, we donated 12 bras for the celebrities to embellish with their own personal "creative stamp". Each design masterpiece was auctioned at this year’s CIBC Foundation of Hope: Chocolate Sunday Luncheon, to raise much needed financial support for Allan’s Hospital Foundation. Our ten year celebration at the Bayview Village store was the perfect opportunity (excuse) to showcase some of the celebrity bra designs, help promote the Chocolate Sunday event and at the same time raise funds, together with our customers, in support of a great cause.

That evening, we rolled out the red carpet, raised a glass of bubbly to the success of our store, enjoyed a macaron or two and successfully raised $340. Linea Intima had committed to double the donation total – but instead we decided to round it up to a nice even figure of $1,000 – which I presented to Allan Bell at the Chocolate Sunday Luncheon on October 26th. It was our best store anniversary party ever! Thanks so much to each of you who donated – together we always accomplish great things. Liliana