Linea Intima offers a kinder, gentler mastectomy service, combined with the expertise to deliver the perfect results. We feel this is one of the most important services we provide. Here are some facts about mastectomy fitting:
A mastectomy fitting should achieve two key results
Physically, it should restore balance to the body and emotionally, a sense of normalcy and improved self-esteem.
The Ontario Government pays a percentage of the cost of a prosthesis.. why?
Not only to improve physical appearance, but mainly because it’s a health issue. The government recognizes the importance of a prosthesis to your health and well-being. Additionally, our London location is part of the LRCP Patient Assistance Program at the London Health Sciences Centre. Please click here for more details.
The important first step is a bra-fitting
Only once it's determined which bra size fits the best, we can determine the right prosthesis to match the healthy breast in size and shape. Since 80% of women wear the wrong size bra, the logical starting point is an expert bra-fitting.
Balance is an important element
Body alignment is critical to good health and when weight is lost on one side, a prosthesis should be worn to compensate. If the balance is off, then the body's alignment will shift position, which can affect back muscles, posture and digestion.
Each woman’s situation is different
This requires an expert evaluation and often some creativity in the solution. Every procedure is not straightforward. Someone who has had a radical mastectomy on one side and a lumpectomy on the other will need two different prostheses to attain the proper fit and balance. Diversity in the products available now, allows us to fine-tune and individually address, each woman’s special requirements.
A prosthesis should be worn all the time
This is true not only for physical appearance, but most importantly, for health reasons. Because most women will wear their prosthesis to medical checkups, doctors and nurses may not think to mention how important it is to always wear it, even when cleaning which many of our customers ask about.
Feminine bras are a welcome option
In addition to traditional mastectomy bras, which are similar to athletic bras, some regular style bras can be adapted to fit a prosthesis. This offers you the option to select fashionable colours, delicate lace fabrics and pretty feminine details.
It is beneficial to keep up with improvements in mastectomy products
They make a world of difference and can help achieve a natural look and feel.
Prostheses come in a variety of shapes, sizes, weights and colours
There are products to fit left, right, firm, saggy, symmetrical, asymmetrical and styles suited to different activities and facets of a busy lifestyle. All help to achieve optimal results.